Recently they were discussing this topic on the television about couples and the seven year itch what is it and why? basically people have reported after seven years their relationship ends or comes to an end and people wonder if this is because of the seven year itch. To be honest I think it is just an excuse for someone who is unhappy within a relationship and its an excuse for an escape personally once your happy after the seven years there should be no seven year itch. Remember a relationship needs to be worked upon it has its ups and it has its downs, you may shout and argue but deep down love is what keeps people together can you really imagine a relationship that is 100% perfect? it does not exist nor should you believe it does. Simply put, once you are happy in your relationship don't even think of this seven year itch as happiness is the key to a successful relationship.
Have you seen a ghost? do you believe in ghosts? Irish-Psychic would like to hear from you and your experiences weather you are unsure if you have seen a ghost that is fine but what ever your experience please do let me know by clicking comments and leave your response there. I personally have not seen a ghost but I have how ever seen something just very quickly and I think most people have out of the corner of their eyes weather this is a figment of your imagination who knows but in one way I look at it as comforting to know that what ever I saw that I cannot explain its nice to briefly see something for a split second as who knows they could be scared of you to so hence don't show. Whatever your experience leave your comments by clicking comments and leaving your response.
Affirmations have changed my life and I believe they can change yours to. Do you feel you are unlucky in love? unlucky with money? these are all thoughts and thoughts create our future. I know it sounds simple but thinking positive will bring positivity into your life even when you are feeling low or sick again think positive and that in turn will help you feel much better about yourself. Of course if you are feeling unwell the first place you should be going is to your local Doctor or GP. When you imagine your life think of your life as a path and obstacles along the way are necessary in order to feel a sense of achievement and part of your growth. To help you along in your life that is where affirmations have helped me in achieving my goals simply put think positive and that will have a fantastic benefit on you and your life. The simplest affirmation of all is "I love and approve of myself and all is well in my life" say this to yourself every single day to yourself, out loud any place really there is no place that you cannot say this to yourself but remember things wont happen overnight this has to be said on a continuing basis so much so that you will forget you are saying it and it will be part of your daily routine. To find love simple say "I have a loving partner who supports me in all that I do and all is well in my life" again this will not happen over night but by putting this affirmation out you will attract that person you have always dreamed of, some people tell me a list of what they want in a partner and its simply not possible to get what you see on television as real nice loving people are what I feel are most important rather then he/she must drive a flashy car, he/she must be rich etc. When you use the affirmations I have given you it will automatically progress into something real so please use my positive affirmations daily.
A day celebrated by everyone worldwide at this stage with the biggest being in New York, All over Ireland people will flock to their towns to see the parade with some being so simple and some being very elaborate but the most important thing about St Patrick's Day is the celebration itself. Towns and City's will be painted green and even in New York the Guinness goes green, its festivals like this which make me proud to be Irish. Please leave your comments on what you will be doing on St Patrick's Day this coming 17th March. I have people worldwide visit my site so this will be very interesting to see how the parades differ or who you will be spending the day with. To comment click comments and leave your name and where you are from and what you will be doing for St Patrick's Day.
I get allot of people wondering about fights and within relationships first off if any partner hits you or is violent towards you please do not stay in a relationship that is violent as no person male or female should have any right to do that to you so please if you are suffering at the hands of a violent partner please leave the relationship and tell a member of your family or a close friend. If you have mild verbal fights within a relationship this is perfectly normal and a fight is simply an expression either your partner does not understand you or else it is simply a disagreement the good news is though by fighting you are expressing yourself and it is a time where you will take time out to yourself and you will acknowledge your relationship and mostly this is in a positive light how ever if things are very bad within a relationship and you cannot forgive someone again that is perfectly normal so again never feel pressurised to stay in a relationship if you are not happy and that is the key word here happiness, happiness is a reflection on the relationship as a whole so simply put if your not smiling 60 - 80 % of the time ask yourself why you are in that relationship again it works both ways what you give out you will get back so be nice to your partner and that should be reflected if it is not look deeper into the relationship and make a decision based on that and also what your friends and family say but most importantly follow your heart.
Is soon to be so make sure you nominate your mum if you have not done so via my site but take this as a hint also to remember it and to give your mum a lovely gift or even a gesture to show how much you love her, I know people say well why cant there be a Sons day or a Daughters day well when you are older and a dad or a mom well then you will have no excuse. 14th March dont forget the date or you will have one mom wondering where her gift is. If you have lost your mom never forget that she is always around you and even bringing flowers into your own house in remembrance of your mom is a gift in itself as in Spirit she will be looking down on you and will be happy you are remembering her in a positive light.
People wonder how I connect to people who have passed over and its quite simply when ever they want to, even after you die you live on and its not always they will come to you they will come to you when you least expect them to and not just me even to you also, have you ever noticed a white feather? heard a certain song on the radio? smelled that lovely sweet perfume? these are all signs that I get when connecting to passed loved ones but its not when I ask them to it is on their terms as well. Usually spirit is quite a funny place and you might have other people trying to get through also which is lovely but confusing also as I'm trying to pass on a message to just one person but I will hear other people speaking to me so it gets very confusing. Unless I get a specific message I will not pass it on and to some that is a disappointment but I only can give what I am hearing from Spirit so its best get a proper message then a confused one.
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January 2014