I am using this forum as a means to hopefully connect with a loved one who has passed over. Not everyone will be able to receive a message from their loved ones but I do hope with what I can pick up it is of some comfort to you. Their picture will be in this post along with hopefully a message that is of some importance to you but I cannot guarantee this. All readings done are completely free of charge. If you would like to have this done for you please keep an eye on my Facebook page as this only happens at different times and is not a daily thing. Please feel free to "Like" this at the bottom of the page and also click ADD COMMENT and leave a comment for your reading via this page or sending me a Private Message via Facebook by Clicking Here with best wishes, IrishPsychic.net This is Elizabeth and I am connecting with her at the moment and the first thing she keeps mentioning is Ralph and I don't know why I keep hearing this name or what the connection is to this lady but I am hoping it will make sense, I also am being told about her left leg again I am unsure if she ever had a clot in her left leg but I am picking up on this and this is what she is making me feel as I tune in with her, I know this may sound strange but I keep seeing her making medicine or a firm believer in the old style in terms of what she did for cures she very much had her own style in curing different ailments like headaches etc she was someone you could always ask and she would have the cure. I also see her doing her own readings using Tea leaves or something to do with a cup weather it was tea leaves or not I am unsure but she just keeps mentioning this to me. I hope that message makes sense with best wishes, IrishPsychic.net. This lady Mel when I connect with her she just keeps saying I could of lost her and she is speaking about her daughter when she was born it is like as if she is showing me complications at birth and it was a very difficult time for her during this birth I am unsure if her daughter is aware of this but she keeps mentioning it to me, I also just keep seeing this blue beetle type of car so weather she drove this or it is something she is making me aware of I am not to sure but I don't see her with her hands on the wheel so I feel she was mainly the passenger in this car. I also just keep hearing her sing to me and I cannot make out what song it is but she just is singing in my ear as we speak, With best wishes, IrishPsychic.net. This lady Eileen she is making me aware of my breathing and how I cannot breath I am not sure if she passed with a lung problem but I just find it very hard to breath while I am connecting with her, I am also being given the name Pat but I am unsure if this person is female or male as I feel this person is very close or was close around her she just keeps mentioning this person Pat and it could possibly be her best friend or someone very close, I am not to sure if Eileen was involved in or worked with food but I just keep seeing her dishing up dinners to people and people smiling all the time around her as she is speaking with them. With best wishes, IrishPsychic.net As I connect with Colleen she is making me aware of a diary it is like this is something she did from an early age and she keeps mentioning it to me I am unsure if it is red in colour but I just keep seeing the colour red. While connecting she keeps making me aware of a head pain or pains she suffered with in the head area, She also keeps saying to me I never give up I may be stubborn but by gosh I fight for what I want and I usually win but this is not just for herself as I see her taking charge in something that people got her involved in in order to sort it out as I keep hearing get Colleen as she will sort it out and shes telling me she did, Shes also telling me have you drank my Lemonade as she used to make this in the summer I feel and it is something that you would of had to of tasted to know how good it was but I feel she passed this on and gave it to the family. Also my right shoulder-blade she keeps making me aware of a pain there so I am unsure if she ever has broken this or why she is mentioning this area to me but it is very severe and the pain was very bad she is telling me, She is also saying hello to Joe I am unsure who this person is but I feel this person was there with her all the time, With best wishes, IrishPsychic.net
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January 2014