This is 100% Free and I will be doing it again very soon. In order for you to submit a picture of a loved one you must of liked my fan page on Facebook. I then put up a post saying Spirit Connections is now Live please submit your pictures. When you see this post then it is as simple as submitting your picture to my Facebook. If you are not already a fan of the page CLICK HERE until then please feel free to purchase one of the readings I offer from the menu on the left hand side.
I do hope with what I can pick up it is of some comfort to you. Their picture will be in this post along with hopefully a message that is of some importance to you but I cannot guarantee this. All readings done are completely free of charge. If you would like to have this done for you please keep an eye on my Facebook page as this only happens at different times and is not a daily thing. Please feel free to "LIKE" this at the bottom of the page and also click ADD COMMENT and leave a comment for your reading via this page with best wishes, When I connect with Michael, I just keep hearing Championship and I am unsure what this is in connection with I feel it is to do with something close to him or something he was involved in. I feel there is also something connected with shoes as I just keep hearing him say ask them do they still have my shoes so it may be in relation to this Championship I keep seeing. I very much feel his positive energy around me and he never said a bad word about anyone, I am unsure if he had problems with food but I just keep seeing some issues around this area, With best wishes, I do hope with what I can pick up it is of some comfort to you. Their picture will be in this post along with hopefully a message that is of some importance to you but I cannot guarantee this. All readings done are completely free of charge. If you would like to have this done for you please keep an eye on my Facebook page as this only happens at different times and is not a daily thing. Please feel free to "LIKE" this at the bottom of the page and also click ADD COMMENT and leave a comment for your reading via this page with best wishes, When I connect with Anthony - I just keep feeling my left wrist has been cut and I don't know why I am being shown this and he is making me feel it to, I also keep seeing a basketball so I am unsure if he was on a tea but I feel sport played a very important role in his life, I am also picking up music to it is like I see him always with his headphones on in his own world when it comes to music maybe he used to write music to or poetry, I keep seeing a car also or he is bringing me to a road so again I am unsure of the significance, with best wishes, When I connect with Richard I just keep seeing him surrounded by people laughing and joking, I see him really involved in the neighborhood as I see him organizing people together, I keep seeing him organizing a missing persons search or helping out with something like this, I very much feel how caring and nurturing he was and know that he is safe with best wishes When I connect with Margaret or energy is just so loving and caring, I keep seeing her in a bar but I keep seeing her cleaning up so I am unsure if she was a cleaner who then used to go to a bar but I just see clothes in her hand and her cleaning and making sure the place is spotless, She is mentioning the name Rosey to me so I am unsure who this person is but I just keep hearing her mention that name to me with best wishes, When I connect with Ann I just keep seeing her in and out of hospital as I just keep hearing I was in one minute and out the next, I keep seeing her in the garden reading a book and it is like she would never be without a book as I keep hearing her say I loved a good read and would never be without a good novel. I keep hearing people speak to Ann so it is like she was in a role where she was a listener and a carer like a councilor as she keeps saying people always used to come to me with their problems I was like an agony aunt, With best wishes, I do hope with what I can pick up it is of some comfort to you. Their picture will be in this post along with hopefully a message that is of some importance to you but I cannot guarantee this. All readings done are completely free of charge. If you would like to have this done for you please keep an eye on my Facebook page as this only happens at different times and is not a daily thing. Please feel free to "LIKE" this at the bottom of the page and also click ADD COMMENT and leave a comment for your reading via this page with best wishes, When I connect with this lady Veronica I just keep feeling my left finger like if I need to check my bloods so I am unsure if she had anything regarding diabetes or anything like that but my finger just gives me a tingle as I read for her, She is also making me aware of a Thomas around her I feel this man is in Spirit with her and again I am unsure of the connection that this man is, She is always making me aware of things she used to make and give to the family like jumpers and things like that as I just keep seeing patterns and books, I hope this makes sense with Best wishes, When I connect with Raymond I am just seeing him in different places it is like he is telling me he was not settled he was moving around allot, I keep hearing him say I spent allot of money and it cost me allot so I am unsure what addiction he had but it is like I see him in the bookies and placing bets on horses or something like that, He is making my throat go dry when I am speaking with him and it is like I am picking up like a nervousness around him again this could be the settled thing, its like if he is being pushed around is the best way I can describe it, I am not to sure but was he a boxer? As I am feeling a nose bleed and my left hand side I just keep hearing I got a good few hits there and he is making me aware of this pain again please let me know, With best wishes, When I connect with David I just keep seeing a forest and loads of trees and I am trying to piece what this connection is with him, Its like I feel he was a leader in a group or something like the scouts or connected in some way, so maybe he used to go camping in the woods or something like that but he just keeps bringing me to the woods and again I am unsure why, With best wishes, I do hope with what I can pick up it is of some comfort to you. Their picture will be in this post along with hopefully a message that is of some importance to you but I cannot guarantee this. All readings done are completely free of charge. If you would like to have this done for you please keep an eye on my Facebook page as this only happens at different times and is not a daily thing. Please feel free to "LIKE" this at the bottom of the page and also click ADD COMMENT and leave a comment for your reading via this page with best wishes, When I connect with Danny I just keep hearing "come here ya boyo..." but it is not something he would say it is something he would say when doing an impression and I just keep seeing the Dun Believables when I tune in with him, He is making me aware of a pain on the right hand side of my head around my forehead and I am unsure why but this pain is very strong around me, He also keeps mentioning a ladies name Margaret to me and I am unsure of the connection of who this lady is so please do let me know, Best wishes, When I connect with Kieran I just keep seeing a red car and I just keep hearing I loved me car it was the bomb or something to that affect, Hes bringing me to a building site and I dont know why this is or what did he work at but I just keep seeing him around a building site so again please let me know what signifance this is please, Also my right hand he wont let me go without saying me right hand its broken or something so I am unsure did he break it but he just wanted to pass on that message to me Best wishes, When I connect with Matty I just keep hearing him say Jim so I am unsure if this was his best friend or brother but Jim is quite significant around him, I am not to sure if he was fond of his Garden but I just keep seeing him plant loads of things and even though he was not a professional everything just grew and I keep seeing Roses around him, He is making me aware of issues with his lungs to so I hope this make sense Best wishes, When I connect with Phil she keeps saying tell Sue everything will be ok but I don't know the connection between her and Sue, I am not to sure if she visited allot of Psychics or she read herself but I just keep hearing small bits of information, She is making me aware of a pain in her heart while I read for her and I am unsure why this is but it is very strong as I read for her this pain, With best wishes, When I connect with Anthony I just keep hearing I am fine I am fine and it is a very soft message in terms of how he is speaking to me, I keep seeing Liverpool around him and I don't know what this connection is or why I am seeing this connection, He is making me aware also of my Bowel as I am connecting with him but it is paining me while I read for him so again I am unsure why this is, Did his friend run a pub? As I keep hearing I am going to Paddys Pub or something to do with Paddy and again I am unsure what this is, I hope this makes sense, With best wishes, I do hope with what I can pick up it is of some comfort to you. Their picture will be in this post along with hopefully a message that is of some importance to you but I cannot guarantee this. All readings done are completely free of charge. If you would like to have this done for you please keep an eye on my Facebook page as this only happens at different times and is not a daily thing. Please feel free to "LIKE" this at the bottom of the page and also click ADD COMMENT and leave a comment for your reading via this page with best wishes, This is Mona and when I connect with this lady she keeps making me laugh and she has her own sense of humour as what I am feeling is just after she would tell you something she has this giggle that even if you did not find it funny you would laugh with her with what she has said, Alot of emotion is around this lady and she keeps mentioning 2 boys to me its like if she keeps saying "My 2 boys they are ok..." . She is always bringing me to a time where she had this wonderful red dress on her and she is saying to me "wasnt I pretty" to which I can say yes as she seriously was...She is giving me pain on my right hand side of my head and I don't know why this is but on my right hand side I feel this is a very weak area or she had pain here. With best wishes, When I connect with Francis I just keep seeing a uniform and it is like he is showing me a Firemans uniform so I am unsure what the connection is here about this but I just keep hearing the sirens to, He is bringing me to a bridge and it is a very nice day where he is bringing me and I just keep him hearing saying "this is the best spot.." so I am unsure what he is saying here maybe he enjoyed fishing or something but he is clearly mentioning this bridge to me and saying this is the best spot, I am also getting a connection to a lady with the name sounding like Philip but obviously female like Philomena or something like this again I am unsure what connection this is, With best wishes, When I connect with this lady Marie I just keep seeing a little dog around her and I am faintly hearing My puddles or something to that affect its like if she had another nick name for this dog, I am unsure if she was a midwife but she is showing me allot of babies around her so weather she used to look after allot of children I am unsure but I just keep seeing allot of children around her and her looking after them all, With best wishes, When I connect with Frank he is bringing me to a cabinet or a tin I am unsure but he has all his medals in it and its like as if he is saying to me there here gathering dust but by gawd am I proud to of got them. I also am hearing him speak of saving allot of people and I feel his job is connected with the army or so as he keeps mentioning to me sorry for being away for so long again I am unsure if it was the army but hes bringing me to that when I connect with him, With best wishes, When I connect with Ned all I keep hearing him say is welcome and it is like if he was part of a committee or something but I just see him standing up and giving a speech so maybe he was on some sort of committee. He is making me aware of a bypass or something like this as that region around me its like as if he is showing me an operation that he had, He keeps bringing me into a place with slot machines or bingo I am unsure if he played but he is bringing me to this type of building and the connection I am unsure why it is like he says this is where I used to love I hope this makes sense but this is how he is putting it to me, With best wishes, I do hope with what I can pick up it is of some comfort to you. Their picture will be in this post along with hopefully a message that is of some importance to you but I cannot guarantee this. All readings done are completely free of charge. If you would like to have this done for you please keep an eye on my Facebook page as this only happens at different times and is not a daily thing. Please feel free to "LIKE" this at the bottom of the page and also click ADD COMMENT and leave a comment for your reading via this page with best wishes, When I connect with these two people Patrick is coming in stronger to me then Roseann and he keeps on showing me The Navy or a career like this and I can see him meeting Roseann as they dock in now this is what the image he keeps showing to me, he also keeps showing me the number 5 and this is his way of telling me how many children he had again I may be wrong but 5 is very significant as he keeps on mentioning 5 to me, Roseann I just keep hearing her saying "would you look at the suit" its like as if Patrick always tried to look his best but she is saying no no he could of done better as he always had just the one. With best wishes, When I connect with Danny he keeps saying to me Im not a fighter but I am a winner and it is strange with how he is telling me this, I keep on hearing from him I done my best but I never had enough and life was tough but mainly where money was concerned He is speaking about two mates also and he just keeps saying say hi to Phill and Johno I am unsure who these are but he says you will know , he mentions a motorbike to me but I am unsure if it is his but I just keep seeing him on this, with best wishes, When I connect with this lady Patrica I jut keep hearing Im safe Im safe don't worry, and she is making my right arm really sore like if she broke this in an accident, She keeps showing me a picture like if it was on the wall but now it is gone and I feel she wants this placed back somewhere in the home to let you know that she is around and always minding the place as she says "Ill mind the house tell them not to worry" She just keeps saying also I always put people first never feel I was not looked after as I was and she just wants to say thanks, With best wishes, When I connect with John I dont know why but I keep seeing a Doctors White Coat but I don't think he is a Doctor but he keeps referring me to this white coat so weather he wore this in his profession I am unsure, He is also making me aware of problems around his stomach area so I am unsure if he had surgery on this area, He is also telling me to tell you to go do it, nothing should hold you back he was one that always took risks in life but risks that paid off he is mentioning to me so I feel this is connected with going back to do some kind of course as he just keeps saying she can do it and I hope she does do it. With best wishes, When I connect with Nathan hes been with me for the last 2 hours and non stop chatting which I am not complaining about but the most thing that stands out to me and what he is saying is choo choo I am unsure if this is something he used to do on a regular basis but he keeps mentioning to me Thomas The Tank and maybe this was his favorite cartoon or else he had something to do with Thomas The Tank Engine as he keeps on asking me "do they still have it" and I hope this makes sense to you, I am also being told of a lady that is with him and I feel this is an Aunt and he keeps mentioning the lady's name as "Maura" and that he is safe and well as he is being looked after by this lady. He keeps also making me go all goosepimply and its making me giggle so I am unsure if he always used to laugh when he had this or if this was with you and you always got goosepimples, He is also showing me a Birthday Cake so I am unsure if his Birthday is around this time or coming up but I know this will sound funny but he just keeps saying "I want cake...I want cake" I hope I have connected with Nathan and I hope with what he is giving me makes sense to you and your family, with best wishes, This is Elizabeth and I am connecting with her at the moment and the first thing she keeps mentioning is Ralph and I don't know why I keep hearing this name or what the connection is to this lady but I am hoping it will make sense, I also am being told about her left leg again I am unsure if she ever had a clot in her left leg but I am picking up on this and this is what she is making me feel as I tune in with her, I know this may sound strange but I keep seeing her making medicine or a firm believer in the old style in terms of what she did for cures she very much had her own style in curing different ailments like headaches etc she was someone you could always ask and she would have the cure. I also see her doing her own readings using Tea leaves or something to do with a cup weather it was tea leaves or not I am unsure but she just keeps mentioning this to me. I hope that message makes sense with best wishes, This lady Mel when I connect with her she just keeps saying I could of lost her and she is speaking about her daughter when she was born it is like as if she is showing me complications at birth and it was a very difficult time for her during this birth I am unsure if her daughter is aware of this but she keeps mentioning it to me, I also just keep seeing this blue beetle type of car so weather she drove this or it is something she is making me aware of I am not to sure but I don't see her with her hands on the wheel so I feel she was mainly the passenger in this car. I also just keep hearing her sing to me and I cannot make out what song it is but she just is singing in my ear as we speak, With best wishes, This lady Eileen she is making me aware of my breathing and how I cannot breath I am not sure if she passed with a lung problem but I just find it very hard to breath while I am connecting with her, I am also being given the name Pat but I am unsure if this person is female or male as I feel this person is very close or was close around her she just keeps mentioning this person Pat and it could possibly be her best friend or someone very close, I am not to sure if Eileen was involved in or worked with food but I just keep seeing her dishing up dinners to people and people smiling all the time around her as she is speaking with them. With best wishes, As I connect with Colleen she is making me aware of a diary it is like this is something she did from an early age and she keeps mentioning it to me I am unsure if it is red in colour but I just keep seeing the colour red. While connecting she keeps making me aware of a head pain or pains she suffered with in the head area, She also keeps saying to me I never give up I may be stubborn but by gosh I fight for what I want and I usually win but this is not just for herself as I see her taking charge in something that people got her involved in in order to sort it out as I keep hearing get Colleen as she will sort it out and shes telling me she did, Shes also telling me have you drank my Lemonade as she used to make this in the summer I feel and it is something that you would of had to of tasted to know how good it was but I feel she passed this on and gave it to the family. Also my right shoulder-blade she keeps making me aware of a pain there so I am unsure if she ever has broken this or why she is mentioning this area to me but it is very severe and the pain was very bad she is telling me, She is also saying hello to Joe I am unsure who this person is but I feel this person was there with her all the time, With best wishes, When I connect with Jerry he just keeps saying to me turn it up turn it up and he is speaking about the radio I am unsure if he was in a band but he keeps pointing me to a picture of a band and him saying thats me thats me, He also keeps mentioning the Guards to me and I dont know why this is or was he in the Guards but he is mentioning this to me and speaking of them but it is very faint so I am finding it difficult to understand him but I hope this very short connection means something to you, Best wishes, |
Spirit ConnectionsAll messages will be located in this post along with the persons picture. Not everyone will get a message but I do hope that the messages I can pass on will be of some comfort to you and your family. Please LIKE this using the Like button below and leave a comment if you have had a reading. Archives
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